21 Apr 2018



 Solubility of a solid in liquid Solubility of a substance is its maximum amount that can be dissolved in a specified amount of solvent.

Factors affecting the solubility of a solid in liquid :
1. Nature of solute and solvent 
2 Like dissolves like. 
For example, While sodium chloride and sugar dissolve readily in water, naphthalene and anthracene do not. 
On the other hand, naphthalene and anthracene dissolve readily in benzene but sodium chloride and sugar do not. 

2. Temperature :
 In a nearly saturated solution, 
If (ΔsolH > 0), the solubility increases with rise in temperature and If (ΔsolH < 0) the solubility decreases with rise in temperature. 

Effect of pressure : 
Does not have any significant effect as solids and liquids are highly incompressible.