18 Apr 2018

Strength of Solutions

1. Strength of Solutions

The amount of solute dissolved per unit solution or solvent is called Strength of solution. There are various methods of measuring strength of a solution. :

1. Mass Percentage (%w/w):
“It represents mass of a component present in 100 g of solution”

Mass% of a component = Mass of the component in the sol. *100/Total Mass of sol

2. Volume percentage (%v/v): 
“It represents volume of a component in 100 mL of solution” 

 Vol. % of a component = 
Vol. of component ×100 /Total vol. of solution

3. Mass by volume percentage (%w/v): 
“It represents mass of solute in grams present in 100 mL of solution” 

Mass by vol. percent = Mass of solute in gram *100/Vol. of sol.in ml  

4. Parts per Million (ppm): 
"Concentration in parts per million can be expressed as mass to mass, volume to volume and mass to volume."

Parts per Million = (No. of parts of the component/Total no. of all the components of sol.)*10

5. Mole Fraction (x) :
“It represents the moles of a solute present in one mole of solution”

Mole fraction=No. of moles of the component/Total no. of moles all the components 

For example, in a binary mixture, if the number of moles of A and B are nA and nB respectively, the mole fraction of A will be

xA =nA/nA + nB

6. Molarity, M:
 “It represents moles of solute present in 1 L of solution”

 Molarity, M = Moles of solute / Vol. of sol. in L

Units of Molarity are mol/L also represented by ‘M’ or ‘Molar’. 

“Density of a solution = mass of the solution per unit volume”

  Density, d = m / V 

7. Molality, m:
“It represents moles of solute present per kg of solvent”

Molality, m = Moles of solute/Mass of solvent in kg

Units of molality are mol/kg which is also represented by ‘m’ or ‘molal’

8. Normality, N

It represents no. of equivalents of solute present in 1 L of solution.

Normality, N = No. of Equivalents of solute/Vol. of sol. in L

No. of equivalents, eq = Weight/Equivalent weight (W / E)

E=M/z(z is the valency factor)


Dilution Law

If a solution is diluted by adding solvent to it, then the amount of solute remains constant and we can write:

M1V1 = M2V2 and N1V1 = N2V2

Molarity and Normality 

Normality = z × Molarity]


Mass %, ppm, mole fraction and molality are independent of temperature, whereas molarity & normality are a function of temperature. This is because volume depends on temperature and the mass does not.